Cedar Hill ISD

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Cedar Hill ISD

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Optimizing Technology Investments in Cedar Hill ISD

Cedar Hill Independent School District, located in Texas, serves 8,000 students and employs 1,500 faculty and staff. The district continually seeks to optimize its instructional technology investments to best support student learning.  

Products Used:
Project Leads:

Making Every Dollar Count: Identifying Valuable EdTech Tools

With a growing number of digital tools, Cedar Hill ISD struggled to determine which apps were truly benefiting students and teachers. The district lacked clear usage data, making it difficult to justify software costs or decide where to invest in professional development. Without insight into app engagement, administrators faced tough budget decisions without concrete evidence to support them.  


Data-Driven Decisions with ClassLink Analytics

ClassLink Analytics provided Cedar Hill ISD with real-time data on app usage, giving administrators the ability to track which tools were actively supporting instruction. Now, the district can make informed decisions about which apps to keep, which require more training, and which can be phased out—eliminating guesswork and saving money. With 24/7 access to login and web-app reports, district leaders can confidently present data-backed recommendations. No longer will meetings be filled with uncertainty about software usage; instead, Cedar Hill ISD now has the insight needed to ensure its digital resources provide real value to students and teachers.

Neil Bolton
Executive Director of Technology at Cedar Hill ISD
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Cedar Hill ISD

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Cedar Hill Gains Insight into Usage of Apps Through ClassLink


Which Apps are worth the money?

Cedar Hill was having a hard time determining which apps and programs were worth their investment; the district needed a tool that could track which apps were being utilized by students on a daily basis.

Choosing ClassLink.

ClassLink was chosen because its Analytics gives Cedar Hill insight into which apps are the most popular and which ones are hardly being used. School administrators now have the support to say, “Look, our campuses are logging into this site every day, there’s value in it and it’s benefiting our instruction, so it’s one that’s worth keeping because we have the data to back it up”.

The Outcome

Cedar Hill can now identify which apps aren’t being used at all and then find ways to either invest in more professional development, or strategically abandon those apps and save money.   No more guessing if students are using their instructional technology investments, with ClassLink Analytics, district administrators now have 24/7 access to login and web-app usage reports from their mobile devices.

With ClassLink Analytics, Cedar Hill will never have a meeting again where someone asks, “Does anyone here even know if people are using that software we spent all that money on?”.

“With ClassLink we’re able to see what applications are actually being used. We don’t want to spend money on applications we aren’t using; so, there are reporting tools that show how many clicks, or how many sign-on’s there are for each app.”

Neil Bolton
Cedar Hill ISD