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East Bridgewater Public SD

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How a 1:1 District in Massachusetts Regained Learning Time With ClassLink

As a 1:1 school district, East Bridgewater Public Schools faced time-consuming manual rostering. They also needed a user-friendly way for students and staff to access digital resources.


Manually rostering 2,100 students across multiple digital platforms each year took significant time for East Bridgewater’s curriculum and technology coordinators. The manual process was prone to errors, resulting in inefficiencies and frustrations. Additionally, students needed an easier way to access digital tools, and district leaders wanted unbiased analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of their resources.


Roster Server automated rostering by integrating with the district’s student information system. LaunchPad’s single sign-on (SSO) provided easy access to grade-specific tools for students. Analytics+ delivered detailed usage insights. OneSync automated account provisioning across Active Directory and Google, reducing errors and saving time.


ClassLink’s solutions saved countless hours by automating rostering and account provisioning. The district leveraged Analytics+ to optimize financial spending and phase out underused platforms. Erin Fisher, Technology Integration Facilitator, highlights the impact of Analytics+, noting, “I was able to negotiate buying licenses based on usage.” Students and teachers now have seamless access to tools and the district benefits from increased efficiency and significant cost savings.

“Time is what ClassLink has given back. And in the world of education, that is the commodity that you never have enough of.”

Erin Fisher
East Bridgewater Public Schools