ClassLink and SmartTrack Announce a Strategic Partnership to Save Administrators Time
Clifton, NJ – January 22, 2019 – ClassLink and SmartTrack announce today a strategic partnership making it easier for districts to access their asset management tools. ClassLink empowers students and teachers around the world with instant access to their learning resources. ClassLink® LaunchPad includes a library of over 6,000 single sign-on apps and instant links to file folders at school and on Google, Office 365, and Dropbox cloud drives. SmartTrack helps schools track their essential resources including everything from textbooks to computers, curriculum materials and more. With this new partnership in place, SmartTrack customers now benefit from instant access to their app.
“We’re pleased to deepen our relationship with SmartTrack and enable access to such a robust asset management solution,” said Jim McVety, ClassLink’s Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Partnership. McVety continued, “Teachers and administrators benefit from the opportunity to harness technologies like SmartTrack with greater ease and better security. This relationship signals our shared commitment to making that happen.”
Nathan A. Bronstein, CEO SmartTrack shared, “Schools across the country are losing tens of thousands of dollars each year due to misplaced resources, procurement overlap, and theft. That’s where SmartTrack comes in.” Bronstein continued, “ SmartTrack is a mobile app that lets teachers and administrators scan, record, and inventory items instantly, enabling smarter purchasing and better auditing. With this new collaboration with ClassLink, we’re excited to enable administrators with instant access to our asset management app.”