United for BTS Success

Back-to-school (BTS) readiness is more than a summer project—it’s a year-round collaboration. When edtech vendors and education leaders unite, schools are equipped to build the foundation for a successful and productive school year from Day 1.

Redefining BTS preparation starts with YOU! Share your insights, register for the Back-to-School Summit, and explore the BTS Toolkit—your essential resource for a strong start to the school year.



BTS Challenges Shared

Input from educational leaders and edtech vendors fuels innovation to tackle back-to-school challenges. Have a BTS challenge or two in mind? Share it — we’re eager to hear and collaborate!

Share BTS Hurdles

Back-to-School Summit

The Back-to-School (BTS) Summit brings schools and edtech vendors together to tackle BTS challenges. The Summit aims to brainstorm solutions and create school resources for a better BTS experience.

Register for the Summit

BTS Challenges Addressed

Leadership Workgroups dive into BTS Summit topics to identify ways to enhance the back-to-school season for edtech vendors and schools. Interested? You can start participating at any time.

Join a Workgroup

New Edition of The BTS Toolkit

The annual BTS Resource Toolkit highlights solutions to the challenges identified by Leadership Workgroups. Its goal is to lighten the load for schools and edtech vendors during the back-to-school season.

Explore the Toolkit

BTS Toolkit for Edtech Success

The Leadership Workgroups brought together tech leaders from school systems and the industry. Their mission: tackle the challenges of making edtech fully operational by the first day of school.

Introducing the Back To School Resource Toolkit—a collection of essential tools crafted to address the key challenges identified by our workgroups. This toolkit is your go-to guide for navigating the entire back-to-school journey, from seamless implementation to summer school success.

Cheers to Our Contributors

Building a better BTS isn't a solo effort. We'd like to thank the individuals, edtech vendors, and school systems below for enhancing the BTS experience.  

ClassLink Back-to-School Checklist

Is your school system a ClassLink customer? The BTS Checklist is designed specifically for you. It guides you through every step of preparing for the academic year. Streamline your setup, reduce stress, and keep your ClassLink environment organized and efficient from the first day to the last bell. 

Get the Checklist

Back-to-School Buzz

Looking for more tips? We've got you covered — explore the resources below!