The Promises and Perils of AI in Education

August 19, 2024
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Many are concerned about the latest advancements in AI, especially when it comes to education. That's where Ken Shelton and Dee Lanier come in. Both are optimistic about AI's potential while still acknowledging its potential challenges.

In this episode, The Promises and Perils of AI in Education (Episode 145), we engage in a thoughtful discussion, offering a balanced and comprehensive perspective on AI's impact on the educational landscape, including its potential benefits and its pitfalls.

Here are the key ideas we took away from this episode:

  • Ken and Dee emphasize the importance of not rushing to conclusions about AI’s role in education. They encourage readers to consider the complexities and nuances of integrating AI into educational systems. A balanced perspective is crucial in ensuring that AI is implemented thoughtfully and effectively in schools and classrooms.
  • In Ken and Dee's book, they address the root causes of inequity in education. They argue that AI can be a powerful tool for creating a more equitable educational system, but only if we are aware of and address the implicit biases that are often baked into technology.
  • They raise critical questions about traditional education practices and challenge readers to think deeply about what systemic changes are necessary to ensure that AI serves all communities fairly. By doing so, they highlight the importance of digital literacy skills and the need for AI systems that empower both educators and students.
  • Some of the promises of AI include personalized learning that meets individual needs and increased administrative efficiency. However, potential perils include issues of bias, discrimination, privacy, and security. Ken and Dee’s goal is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of AI's potential impacts on education and to encourage thoughtful discussion about how best to implement AI in ways that are fair and beneficial for all.

Through their balanced perspective and thoughtful approach, Ken and Dee provide a framework for educators, policymakers, and technologists to consider the implications of AI in education. As AI continues to evolve and become more integrated into educational systems, open-minded perspectives will be instrumental in ensuring that AI is used to create a more equitable and effective educational landscape for all.

Check out the full podcast for all the details: YouTube | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

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About the Author

About the Authors

Jerri Kemble

National Academic Advisor



Jamie Saponaro

Director of Community & Professional Learning



Learning and always growing, Jamie Saponaro is an educator with a passion for sharing topics in education that are near and dear to her heart. Her background as an instructional strategies consultant, educational coach and mentor, technology administrator, and middle school teacher have brought her to ClassLink as Director of Community and Professional Learning where she co-hosts the LinkedUp podcast and its boundary-breaking guests.