Navigating the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum

June 21, 2024
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Being an effective ally can take many forms, whether it's encouraging the correct use of pronouns or engaging in meaningful conversations with members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

In this episode, Navigating the LGBTQIA Spectrum (Episode 129), we accompany Jack Jordan as they reveal their personal ties to their advocacy, highlight the challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, and demystify the essence of true allyship.

Here are the key ideas we took away from this episode:

  • Jack Jordan is the Youth Engagement Organizer with Georgia Equality, a state LGBTQ legislative advocacy organization. They chose to be a part of advocacy out of necessity, having come out at a very young age and dealing with significant bullying from students, staff, and teachers.This passion for advocacy led them to leadership aimed at helping other young people.
  • Jordan stresses the importance of correct pronoun usage in the LGBTQIA community, as it reflects how individuals want to be seen by others and themselves. They suggest introducing oneself with pronouns to invite others to do the same, incorporating pronouns in email signatures and business cards to create a safe space.
  • For LGBTQIA students and young adults struggling today, Jordan sympathizes, recalling the negative, violent, and harmful depictions of transgender people they saw growing up. They highlight the progress made, with more cultural prominence for transgender people on the internet and social media, allowing them to tell their own stories and resonate with young people. This visibility helps to educate society and build a supportive and inclusive community.
  • Jordan has observed a rise in oppression in response to increased allyship, including anti-LGBTQIA legislation that causes more anti-LGBTQIA and anti-trans violence. They explain that allyship involves being comfortable with discomfort, educating oneself through conversations with the LGBTQIA community, reading books, and watching documentaries. They advocate for calling people in, instead of calling them out, to help others, especially from different generations, understand modern terminology and embrace inclusivity.

Allyship plays a crucial role in fostering an inclusive and understanding society. It involves educating oneself, engaging in meaningful conversations, and creating safe spaces for marginalized communities. By standing in solidarity with the LGBTQIA community, allies can help combat discrimination and support those who face systemic challenges.

Check out the full podcast for all the details: YouTube | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

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About the Author

About the Authors

Jerri Kemble

National Academic Advisor



Jamie Saponaro

Director of Community & Professional Learning



Learning and always growing, Jamie Saponaro is an educator with a passion for sharing topics in education that are near and dear to her heart. Her background as an instructional strategies consultant, educational coach and mentor, technology administrator, and middle school teacher have brought her to ClassLink as Director of Community and Professional Learning where she co-hosts the LinkedUp podcast and its boundary-breaking guests.