Recognize Excellence: Nominate a Colleague for an L&D Award

September 5, 2024
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Recognizing the hard work of exceptional colleagues is not just about acknowledging their achievements; it's about creating a culture of appreciation, boosting morale, and reinforcing the importance of ongoing professional development.

That's where CLON’s Learning & Development Awards come in! These awards have been specifically designed to honor individuals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment and contributions to the field of education.

The Categories That Define Excellence

The L&D Awards are segmented into three distinct categories, including:

The Magic Maker: This award is for any individual leveraging ClassLink products in extraordinarily innovative ways. Magic Makers show us how creativity and technology can intersect to create engaging, impactful learning experiences.

The Visionary Leader: This category celebrates leaders making groundbreaking contributions to education. Visionary Leaders are the architects of the future, laying a solid foundation for educational systems.

The Iconic Instructor: This accolade is reserved for instructors who demonstrate exceptional creativity in their teaching methods. Iconic Instructors bring subjects to life through imaginative instruction that actively engages students.

Nominating a Colleague (or Yourself)

By nominating someone for a CLON Learning & Development Award, you're not just offering them a chance at recognition; you're affirming the value of their efforts and inspiring others to strive for excellence.

Make a Nomination


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