Keep Data Secure with MFA
Cybersecurity concerns are on the rise in schools across the country. To help all ClassLink schools keep their data safe, we will roll out a software update in early 2022 that requires all tenant admins to enable multi-factor authentication on all tenant admin user accounts.
If you are a tenant admin and haven’t enabled MFA in your ClassLink platform, we strongly recommend adopting this best practice now. You can get started with this easy-to-follow Help Center article.
To further strengthen your data security, we highly recommend you encourage staff and teachers to enable MFA in ClassLink. To begin that process, you can run a Security Report to help you identify teacher-level accounts that do not have ClassLink MFA activated. Then, use that data to encourage activation.
We understand how important data security is to you and your schools. If you have any questions or need help, contact your Engagement Representative.
MFA Support Docs
For a complete look at the many multi-factor authentication support documents available through our Help Center, visit this collection of MFA resources.
We’ve also created a new MFA and Authentication Methods page where you can learn more about selecting ClassLink login options to support your cybersecurity efforts.
Haverhill’s Ransomware Recovery
Since October is Cybersecurity Awareness month, we thought we’d highlight a customer’s perspective on how ClassLink is already helping schools deal with data-security issues. In this video and case study, Brian Nagel, Assistant Director of Technology at Haverhill Public Schools, shares how his district made a quick recovery from a ransomware attack with ClassLink.
Pro Tip: Read this article for five useful tips for using multi-factor authentication.

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Check out the Release Notes section, for a quick way to stay informed about new product features and upgrades.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s new this month: Roster Server now has Rule-Based Permissions! (Please note Rule-Based Permissions is currently a beta functionality that is still being improved and optimized.)